Wednesday, November 24, 2010

White Noise

NOT the movie :) It is a book written by Don DeLillo. I thought it was a fairly good read. It was interesting and completely random at times which I enjoyed. here is what it was about:

Jack Gladney is a renowned Hitler professor at an unnamed university at “the-college-on-the- hill” in the novel White Noise. His whole identity is mixed up between his role as this professor, consumerism, and the idea of death. His role as professor is so interwoven with the concept of Hitler that it has taken over part of his personality. Commercial goods are a huge part of his life and the idea of consumerism completely surrounds him. Commercials from the television and radio fill up his and his family’s life, enticing them and encouraging them to buy more products in order to be fulfilled. Death is an extremely important aspect of the novel. The whole idea of death terrifies him. When it comes time to confront any of these issues, Jack is left wondering where exactly the real him starts and ends.

It is definitely interesting. I am now currently readin The Road but I haven't quite finished it. I will post something once I have. If you want to read more about White Noise, I wrote a huge paper on it and would be more than happy to email it to you.


  1. So... the movie White Noise isn't based on this novel at all, right? or is it?

  2. Nope it is its own wondefulness all by itself
