Thursday, November 25, 2010

Things I am Thankful for

Happy Thanksgiving everybody!! Despite my extreme excitement for Christmas, I feel I must give a nod to Thanksgiving. To me it is all part of the Holidays and it is a fantastic day to get together with people you love and share great food and good times with. This Thanksgiving I will be spending it with my Oregon family, The Earls. They are a great family and they are super hilarious, so naturally I fit right in. The Earl family tradition is to go to movies on Thanksgiving. I never really did this, but I do love me some movies... Anyway, we want to see Tangled. It is a new animated movie and it looks really exciting. Instead of waiting though, we are going to go see it tonight. And tomorrow we will get our cooking groove on.

In the spirit of Thanksgiving I thought I would tell you all what I am thankful for in no particular order...when I get back from the movie....

1.Disney movies ( I just got back from seeing Tangled and it was soooo good) I loved the princess and the prince and everything about it! Fantastic job Disney! Way to be :)
2. I am thankful for heat. It is too fricking cold up here this week.
3. Good friends who love me no matter what kind of crazy I seem to be suffering from and stick with me know who you are ;)
4. My niece and nephew. they are the cutest little kids and I love them!
5. My dad. He always listen to me when I am stressed.
6.Turkey and Pumpkin Pie
7. MASHED POTATOES (they are my fave so they get their own number).
8. My Sisters! Cuz they are ALWAYS  there for me...(no one watching us grow up would think that I would put them on here because we used to fight so much.
9.Anyone who reads my blog...that means you, various friends and family
10. My job, although, I wish I was teaching instead...or living in France like my dear Aunt Quay once did haha
11. An education
12. Maxine (she is the lady I live free)
14. The UK (Richard Armitage, Rupert Penry Jones, David Tennant, Mr. Tilney, Rupert Friend, Rupert get the picture). Doctor Who, MI-5, and various period pieces.
15.oh and the Gospel! that one is pretty important.
16.that my car still runs.
17. Books

Ok There are way more things I am grateful for, but I am getting a little sleepy...and that is code for "I am going to watch a movie on netflix now"


  1. I also LOVE mashed potatoes, Dr. Who and the Gospel (no particular order). In fact I wish KFC had mashed potatoes....
