Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Ipod shuffle

Now I really don't love my ipod shuffle but I can't find mine anywhere. They are the goofiest little things every invented. Small can be great but they are easily lost. I hava a nano, donated to me from my little sis. But she neglected to give me a charger. So here I sit or rather rummage throught my room looking for something that most likely fell down between the numerous boxes I have shoved into various corners of my room. Which leads me to another topic...My room

So I keep having these urges to completely just get rid of anything I haven't used or worn in 6 months to a year. I think it would be quite refreshing and in the long run will help me have less to store whenever I do in fact decide to pack up and leave for Europe for a year... I think if I am single I may as well right? I think a satisfying flush out of all my belongings is definitely in order. When I arrived in this state I had only the things that I could fit into my tiny Dodge, 3 years later, I have acquired atleast five or six times that. It is crazy. It is completely insane when one realizes how much stuff a person can accumulate in such a small amount of time. I most certainly need to downgrade on my crap that is crammed into this tiny one bedroom.

1 comment:

  1. Do it! It really is refreshing to get rid of it all. Simplify your life, right? And you'll make it to Europe!
